
Ithaca’s novel plan to eliminate carbon from buildings

A city proves there’s lots of private money for the Green New Deal.

On The Carbon Copy podcast this week:

In 2019, the Green New Deal became a mobilizing force. Even without federal action, organizers started pushing cities across America to craft their own versions. 

One of those cities was Ithaca, New York. Ithaca is making a bold promise: to eliminate all emissions from buildings by 2030

To make the program a reality, the city needs to raise hundreds of millions of dollars. Ithaca’s budget is $80 million. 

In stepped Luis Aguirre-Torres, the director of sustainability for Ithaca. He found a way to tap private dollars in an unprecedented way to overhaul buildings. 

This week, we look at where the money is coming from and how it could make the Green New Deal a reality in cities across the country.

Guests: Ithaca climate czar Luis Aguirre-Torres and 38 North Solutions Chair Katherine Hamilton.

The Carbon Copy is a co-production of Post Script Media and Canary Media.

The Carbon Copy is brought to you by Oracle. Oracle unlocks the energy of everyone. With the most comprehensive technology solutions and a deep understanding of human behavior, Oracle is putting people at the center of the energy transition. Learn more about Oracle’s vision of making the distributed, people-centered grid a reality: go.oracle.com/energyofeveryone.