Charging Up: A chat with Lauren Flanagan, CEO of Sesame Solar

Plus, climatetech career moves at Span, Proterra, Aligned Climate Capital, EVgo, Enel, BlocPower, AES and SEPA.
By Maria Virginia Olano, Eric Wesoff

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A white woman with medium length brown hair smiles next to a graphic with the words (Charging Up)
Lauren Flanagan, CEO and co-founder of Sesame Solar

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Canary Media’s Charging Up column chronicles gender diversity in the climatetech sector. Part one is a short Q&A with an industry role model about their career path. Part two features updates on career transitions. Please send feedback and tips to wesoff@​canarymedia.​com. Canary thanks FischTank PR for its support of the column.

Lauren Flanagan: A self-taught serial entrepreneur who is always learning

Lauren Flanagan is the co-founder and CEO of Sesame Solar, which makes solar-powered mobile nanogrids. This interview has been edited and condensed for brevity.

How did you end up on this career path? 

I’ve always loved science and technology. I was the kind of kid who asked my parents for microscopes, chemistry sets and telescopes for presents. My stepfather was an engineer who built audio amplifiers and model airplanes, and I loved all of that. It was so fun to learn when I was a kid.

I studied philosophy in college but also took some programming classes, and I taught myself a lot too. I’ve always loved looking at technology to solve problems. I’ve started five tech companies. But after Hurricane Katrina, I was so shocked by how unprepared we were, and I felt like we should all be doing something about climate change. I thought about what I was good at — starting tech companies — and decided to look at how I could help solve some of the problems that happen after these disasters. We are currently doing the worst possible thing [after disasters], which is sending diesel generators everywhere to provide power, so on top of massive environmental damage from a hurricane or flood or wildfire, we’re further polluting the ecosystem with particulates in the air and water and with noise and carbon emissions. I thought if we could make renewable power easy to use and fast to deploy, that could solve this problem, and that is how Sesame Solar was formed a little over five years ago.

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What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

My grandmother grew up very poor, but she went on to become a successful real estate investor in California — she was completely self-taught. She taught me the value of a good education but also the skill of being able to teach yourself. Always be learning,” or ABL, has become my motto.

The other piece of advice I would share is to seek new experiences and take risks. It’s not a mistake unless you repeat it; you can figure out how to do better. So maybe that motto can be you only live once,” or YOLO. Be bold and live big.

What is a barrier you faced, and how did you overcome it? 

All women, people of color and other underestimated founders probably face similar challenges when it comes to fundraising, which is that we don’t match the patterns that most investors are looking for. A way I have overcome that is to focus on profitability from the start to be financially independent. That gives you a lot of power over decision-making for your business, and it’s also a way to get the best investors and [to be able to] partner with people who really get you and what you are trying to do.

What do you think are some interesting, overlooked career opportunities in climatetech? 

There are so many. The market is paying a lot of attention to carbon extraction, but probably the biggest impact is going to be around reducing consumption and circularity. That means repairing things instead of throwing them away and making new ones, but also how businesses can optimize processes for less energy consumption. Not everything has to be completely new or revolutionary. For young people getting started, I would say try to work in companies where you can get experience and gain domain expertise to really understand the problems, and then pick a narrow piece where you want to focus.

What is your superpower? 

I can quickly get to the heart of the matter, meaning the logical arguments and counterarguments for something. I use first principles like asking myself questions, getting down to the very fundamental basis. I love that I learned a lot of that in philosophy, both through the Socratic method in logic and by reading Aristotle.

So having that lens of interconnectivity, being able to quickly get to core principles and problems that help find solutions is really important for this work as it gets at the true heart of the matter around ecosystems, the planet, people and how they all interact. That’s what I bring to problem-solving and to the work I do in the world.

Career moves

Hannah Bascom is now VP of regulated business at Span, a maker of smart residential electrical panels and EV chargers. Bascom was previously head of energy partnerships at Google.

The Smart Electric Power Alliance appointed Sheri Givens to serve as the trade organization’s next president and chief executive officer. Givens was most recently VP of U.S. policy and regulatory strategy at National Grid.

Proterra, a firm that makes heavy-duty commercial and transit electric vehicles, named Sara Dadyar as its chief people officer. Dadyar joins the company after most recently serving as an HR executive at General Electric’s gas power business.

Nneka (Uzoh) Kibuule was promoted to principal at venture and project investor Aligned Climate Capital. Kibuule is the founder of GreenTech Noir, a community for Black people globally who are working in the business of sustainability and climatetech.”

Diana Chiyangwa, previously at 8minute Solar Energy, is now senior manager of fundamentals and analysis at renewable energy provider Enel North America.

Patricia Charlie” Kelley, previously with New Day Hydrogen, has joined the AES Corporation as manager of green hydrogen development.

Lauren Johnson was promoted to senior analyst, equity and climate justice at the Environmental Defense Fund. Johnson is the founder and former president of George Washington University’s Environmental Justice Action Network.

Maria Carrillo was promoted to director of project operations at BlocPower, a company that installs climate-friendly HVAC systems and appliances and provides job training.

Kathleen Wight, previously with RMI, is now director, net zero skies at World Energy, which focuses on decarbonizing transport. Wight works on developing sustainable aviation fuel.

Whitney Richardson has joined EV charging provider EVgo as manager of market development and public policy. Richardson was previously a regulatory analyst at the California Public Utilities Commission.

Logan G. Williams joined Clēnera as a senior associate of mergers, acquisitions and capital markets. Clēnera, a subsidiary of Enlight Renewable Energy, acquires, develops, builds and manages utility-scale solar farms and energy storage facilities. Williams was previously with EDP Renewables.

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Maria Virginia Olano is chief of staff at Canary Media.

Eric Wesoff is the executive director at Canary Media.