Welcome to Canary Media 2.0

With a new website, we’ll be bringing you more reporting and insights on the global shift to clean energy.
By Eric Wesoff

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When Canary Media launched in April, we pledged to confront climate change with fiercely independent journalism on the transition to clean energy, and we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far.

But we’re just getting started. Now, with a new website and publishing platform, we can do much more. (And did you notice our crisp new logo?)

How it started

In the five months since we got off the ground, we’ve established ourselves as the go-to source for in-depth, no-bullshit news and analysis on the energy transition, climatetech and clean energy policy.

We’ve covered everything from ground-mounted PV panels to hurricane-proofed solar plants, from women’s cleantech careers to climate justice wins. We’re building out beats on clean energy, modernizing the grid, electrifying everything and reducing the carbon footprint of transportation, buildings and heavy industry.

Our work has earned us a growing audience that includes governors, senators, investors, entrepreneurs, advocates, citizens and all kinds of people who want to know more about our shared clean-energy future.

But before we even had a name, we were already building the new website we’re showing you today.

How it’s going

This is the digital platform that will enable us to grow and tell the urgent story of fighting climate change with clean energy. It can now be a showcase for our writing as well as video, podcasts, multimedia stories, interactive graphics and live events. Get a taste:

And stay tuned for additional video series, podcast launches and much more coming this fall.

Meanwhile, we’re working on growing our newsroom by bringing on more journalists. We’re adding diversity to our team and coverage areas. We’re expanding to report on more industries, technologies, policy ideas, trends and leaders around the world.

A better way to cover the climate calamity

Mainstream journalism has not caught up to the climate crisis — not even close. Many news outlets rarely cover climate change, and they lapse into doomsday clichés when they do. Reporting on clean energy is sadly sparse and too often portrays the sector as an impractical niche or a set of oddball science projects rather than a global juggernaut that’s already changing how we work, travel and live.

There’s a better way to cover climate change and the energy transition. Our team at Canary Media is reporting on climate policy wins and losses, holding corporations accountable for their climate pledges, asking tough questions about innovations being touted as magic bullets, and striving to be the newsroom of record for the trillion-dollar decarbonization revolution. As an independent affiliate of the respected nonprofit think tank RMI, a mission-aligned partner, we have a base of support from which to grow in size and ambition.

If you value the work we’re doing, please support us with a tax-deductible donation or find out how your organization can become a sponsor.

Tell us how much you love our new site

Over the coming days, our team will give you an opportunity to put the new site through its paces. Let us know what you think. Comment on our articles. Tweet at us. Talk back on LinkedIn and Facebook. Email us at [email protected]. And if you see a bug, turn your device off and back on again. That should fix it.

— Eric Wesoff and the Canary Media team

Eric Wesoff is the executive director at Canary Media.